Thursday, 28 April 2016


 4G LTE is a highly complex deployment, but even more to manage the environment.   I am not surprised at the delays and the start-up challenges.   We will see MANY MORE challenges including outages of cells and bandwidth constraints in areas, as users get more and more sophisticated.   With India using more data and less voice based on just the WhatsApp usage patterns, this usage will go through the roof reducing the need for voice minutes, and increasing the BW and Data needs on the 4G networks.   Metros like Mumbai will see some mind-boggling numbers that even NY or Chicago does not see in 2016.    

Business and consumer demand for wireless services is accelerating rapidly. In the last few years, the volume of information flowing over wireless networks in support of voice, data, and video communications has risen by an order of magnitude. In parallel, subscribers expect superior, consistent quality of service regardless of network utilization or their location – whether they are on the move or within a building. 

Carriers are responding by upgrading their core networks and mobile access network, and offloading mobile data traffic via in-building wireless (IBW) networks. As service providers migrate from 2G and 3G to 4G via Long Term Evolution (LTE), the core network infrastructure transitions from a combination of circuit-switched and packet-switched technologies to an all-IP architecture. IBW networks also must undergo a paradigm shift with respect to their legacy counterparts in order to meet coverage, capacity, and performance requirements.

To unleash the full power of LTE, carriers need the right tools as they design, implement, and operate core and IBW networks. Legacy tools weren't developed with today's users and production environments in mind. Tools must be intelligent, intuitive, and lightweight to help carriers quickly and cost-effectively build optimized networks and identify, isolate, and resolve anomalies in order to deliver the breadth, depth, and quality of services that create a competitive edge.

For the techies out there browse thru the following:

RIL will do well and so will  BharatiAirtel since the spectrum ownerships are divided.   Each of them will leverage and buy services over one another, and lower cost wholesale providers "may" come and sell bandwidths on multiple providers, although that is uncommon in Asia.  

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