Sunday, 28 February 2016

{LONGTERMINVESTORS} DBS Economics: Global growth: what is potential and where is it going?


a global report from DBS Bank with key findings for India - -

Indicating that, India is the one country in Asia where demographics continue to favor growth. But the bad news is, India is still not performing up to the potential of its Asian peers. GDP should be growing closer to 8.5% per year than the 7.4% it grew by in 2015 and the 7.8% that DBS expects it to grow by this year.


Report highlights:

•   Markets have worked themselves into a tizzy over a perceived crisis in global growth

•   But growth today is running at or above potential in the US, Japan and Europe, and nearly at potential in Asia

•   A sharp fall in working age population growth has lowered potential growth in the G3 and Asia and will continue to do so in coming years

•   If you think Asia's growth is slow today, get used to it.  Structurally, Asia-10 growth will slow every year for the next 40 years

•   Much of the slowdown will owe to rising incomes.  Growth slows when things 'go right' as much as when they 'go wrong'

•   Even with a much slower growth rate, Asia will be 'creating' entire Germanys once every 2.2 years by 2025


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